Publish a PowerShell Module in an Azure Artifacts Nuget Feed

Michiel Thai
2 min readNov 6, 2020


In this article I will show you how to use YAML pipelines to build and publish your custom PowerShell module to an internal Nuget Feed, hosted in Azure Devops (Azure Artifacts).

The Setup Repo Template

Notice on line 25–26 we register the same PackageSourceUrl. When we set up this repository, we can use the same private feed to install any private dependency modules to build our new custom module during the pipeline job.

Also notice the ${{ format .. }} expressions, this is required to get parameter values inside an inline Powershell script, 👉see my past article for more details about YAML templating.

You could use this inline script as a standalone script, just replace the format expressions with a param() block.

The Main Template

In your main template, call the above Template like this:

- template: azure-pipelines-setup-azdo-psrepo.steps.yml
packageSourceUrl: <AzArtifactFeedUrl>
pat: $(System.AccessToken)

Where AzureArtifactFeedUrl is the url of the Feed you create in the Azure Artifacts section of the project

📌 Note: You have to use version 2 to make this work.

To get the feed url, click the big Connect To Feed button, and copy the url in the first snippet, and change and trim the v3/index.json to v2

Now you are ready to publish the module to the feed by using this command in a PowerShell step:

Publish-Module -Path <PathToMoDule> -Repository AzDoPSRepo -NuGetApiKey $(System.AccessToken)

Use the same name for the Repository as in the setup. Since it’s a private feed you need to authenticate using the NugeApiKey.$(System.AccessToken) is an built-in variable thats available during the pipeline (✋ you have to use persistCredentials in the checkout step to make it available though)



Michiel Thai

A Systems Engineer that loves to develop, mainly using PowerShell. Certified Azure Devops Expert.